One of the easiest ways to upgrade your backyard is by installing a patio cover. It adds a great area of shade to your backyard, allowing you to relax outside and enjoy the fresh air without being in the direct sunlight. For residents in the Austin, Texas, area, that’s a very good thing. Summers in Texas can often be miserably hot, but with a patio cover in your backyard, you can revel in all the outdoors has to offer. However, not all patio covers are created equal, so make sure the structure you have installed can:

Stand Up to the Weather

A durable patio cover that can handle hurricane-force winds and scorching summer sun is a must. This is why your patio cover should be constructed from a heavy-duty material, such as extruded aluminum. This material has enhanced strength and can easily withstand all types of weather elements.

Be Easily Maintained

Nobody wants to spend their weekends cleaning or repainting their patio cover. So, make sure your patio cover has a low-maintenance finish that won’t fade, peel, or scratch. For example, an electrostatic finish is much preferable over a liquid paint finish because it’s much easier to maintain year after year.

Keep You Comfortable

Select a patio cover that has a thermal roof, as it will be able to deflect the sun’s heat and make sure your patio stays comfortable even in the summer.

Choose TEMO for Patio Covers in Austin, TX

Your source for a well-made patio cover in Austin is TEMO. We are the most experienced patio product manufacturer in the country, and our patio covers are made from extruded aluminum, have electrostatic finishes, and are equipped with solid thermal roofs. Best of all, they come in a wide variety of styles and we’ll be pleased to help you choose the best option for your needs.

Contact TEMO today to get started. We are proud to be the leading supplier of patio covers to homeowners throughout the Austin area.